Spotter 60-S | 20-60x72 | Tremor4 Reticle | Sand Color
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Hensoldt » Spotter 60-S | 20-60x72 | Tremor4 Reticle | Sand Color
Three key features make the 20 – 60 x 72 spotting scope, or Spotter 60, from HENSOLDT Optronics the ideal instrument for the observation and identification of objects, and target hit monitoring: high magnification (20 x to 60 x), a 72 mm lens and a Tremor4 reticle with continuously adjustable illumination whose size changes congruent with the magnification level.
Magnification range of 20 x – 60 x
Bright, high-contrast image at all magnification levels
Continuously adjustable illumina-tion whose size changes congruent with the magnification
Compact design for concealed observation, rubber armoring also available sand colored
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