1.5-6x42 Zenith | LM | Posicon CT | FD7 Reticle
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Zenith » 1.5-6x42 Zenith | LM | Posicon CT | FD7 Reticle
The 1.5-6x42 Zenith is the universal scope selection of the Zenith line. Magnification, lens diameter and the big field of view makes this scope the ideal selection for driven, stalking and hide hunts, in the daytime and at night. Its harmonic exterior design makes the scope the ideal selection for combined and high-quality hunting rifles.
Exit pupil mm |
7,0 - 14,4
Twilight factor |
4,2 - 15,9
Field of view m/100 m |
6,7 - 21,7
Eye relief distance mm |
Tube diameter mm |
Objective lens diameter mm |
Length mm |
Click Value cm/100 m |
Weight g |
Illuminated LM |
FlashDot Reticle |
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