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ZF 6-24X72 | MilDot | SF
[Code: 10139110]

ZF 6-24X72 | MilDot | SF
ZF 6-24X72 | MilDot | SF ZF 6-24X72 | MilDot | SF

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The lens diameter considerably ­influences the optical capabilities of a telescopic sight. With increasing magnification, the brightness of the scene diminishes. This factor plays a key role in the military, in particular, where long ranges are common. Under adverse weather conditions such as ­precipitation, twilight and haze, high magnification often leads to unwanted results.
Therefore, we have limited our 6x to 24x telescopic sights to a magnification range that is both beneficial and noticeable to the user and combined it with a 72 mm lens.
The 6–24x72 is the right telescopic sight when extremely precise adjustability and very high magnification are required.

Extended magnification range
2nd focal plane reticle
72 mm lens diameter for maximum light intensity

Optical data
6 x - 24 x
Objective Lens Diameter, mm
Exit pupil
12.0 to 3.0 mm
Fields of view (at 1000 m)
61 - 17 m
Dioptre adjustment
-2.5 dpt to +2 dpt
approx. 90%
Elevation/azimuth click stops
0.1 mrad (1 cm / 100 m)
Max. elevation adjustment range
200 cm / 100 m
Max. azimuth adjustment range
±50 cm / 100 m
Parallax compensation
50 m to ∞ m
2nd image plane
Electrical data
Reticle illumination
Automatic reticle illumination shut off
after 3 h
Low battery display
optical, illuminated reticle pulses
after it is turned on
Power supply
3 V CR 2032 to -20°C button cell;
alternatively: 3 V BR 2032 to -40°C;
Mechanical data
Dimensions (L x W x H )
380 x 94 x 87 mm
Ring diameter (assembly)
34 mm
1100 g
Ambient conditions
Environmental test
MIL-STD-810G, DIN ISO 9022 (excerpt)

Screwable ARD
Clampable ARD
Polarizing filter
Screwable Sunshade
Clampable Sunshade
Yellow Filter

Price: 0,00 €

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