NCFL-9RI | Visible and I/R | 250m | Tactical Flashlight
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Flashlights » NCFL-9RI | Visible and I/R | 250m | Tactical Flashlight
The NCFL 9RI was developed with the cooperation of military experts and professionals to develop a rugged, easy to use tactical flashlight. The unit has a built-in laser feature to assist with precision aiming. The NCFL 9RI tactical LED flashlight can be mounted on variety of pistols and other weapons with a standard Picatinny Mount. The remote pressure switch, which operates the flashlight and the laser aimer, supplies an additional tactical advantage.
Tactical LED flashlight and visible/IR laser combo
Designed for both pistol and rifle application
Lightweight and rugged design
Wired pressure switch
IP67 waterproofing
Supplied with the following standard accessories:
2x CR123 Lithium
Pressure switch
Allen key
Operation manual
Hard Case
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