NCFL-9 | I/R | 250m | Tactical Flashlight
[Code: NCFL9]
The NCFL 9 was developed with the cooperation of military experts and professionals to develop a rugged, easy to use tactical flashlight. The unit has a built-in infrared aimer feature to assist with precision aiming. The NCFL 9 tactical LED flashlight can be mounted on variety of pistols and other weapons with a standard Picatinny Mount. The remote pressure switch, which operates the flashlight and the IR aimer, supplies an additional tactical advantage.
Tactical LED flashlight and IR aimer combo
Designed for both pistol and rifle application
Lightweight and rugged design
Wired pressure switch
IP67 waterproofing
Supplied with the following standard accessories:
2x CR123 Lithium
Pressure switch
Allen key
Operation manual
Hard Case
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