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TICON | Thermal Clip-On | 640x512 | 50Hz | 12μm
[Code: TCN.CO]

TICON  | Thermal Clip-On | 640x512 | 50Hz | 12μm
TICON  | Thermal Clip-On | 640x512 | 50Hz | 12μm TICON  | Thermal Clip-On | 640x512 | 50Hz | 12μm TICON  | Thermal Clip-On | 640x512 | 50Hz | 12μm
Best Seller

The TICON is a Thermal Imaging Clip-On for Night Vision systems. It easily attaches to PVS-7, PVS-14C and PVS-31C-MOD to enhance their functionality by adding a thermal overlay to the image intensified display without the need to change or modify equipment.
The combination of two technologies reduces their respective limitations. The operator has increased situational awareness in low light, no light or obstructed conditions (fog/foliage) where image intensification is limited, but without sacrificing the identification capability of image intensification. The quick-connect interface allows you to mount and dismount the TICON in mere seconds. The unit can mount on to any night vision devices currently in operation, so there is no need to refit helmets for special equipment or purchase additional mountings – the TICON is ready for special operations right out of the box.

FPA Type
Uncooled, VOx
FPA Resolution and Pitch
640x512, 12μm
FPA Refresh Rate
Optical Magnification
FOV with 40° IIT
30,5° with 76% Coverage
Imaging Modes
Full Thermal (White-Hot), Hot Spot,
Heat Outline, Pulse Mode
1pc CR123 or External Power
105 Grams
80 x 34 x 34mm

Price: 4.540,00 €

Ask information about TICON | Thermal Clip-On | 640x512 | 50Hz | 12μm

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